Saturday, December 11, 2010

Jumping Bean!

What an experience. We got to watch Nugget on the screen for an hour! I just can't even list all of the blessing and things we have to be thankful for....
  • he has two arms
  • two legs- which we were told are very long!
  • two big feet
  • two hands (each with five fingers)
  • a brain with two hemispheres
  • a nose
  • a ear (only saw one side of his head)
  • a tummy (which Dustin said looked like a beer gut)
  • a racing little heart beat
  • an umbilical cord
  • he liked to touch his hand to head a lot (I wonder if he will sleep that way?)
  • very active little Nugget~!
If you have watched any amount of TLC or Discovery like I have, you know these are all BLESSINGS! We watched in aw as our little kido literally punched and jumped around for an hour. He was so active! Elise told me to get ready for when I can really feel all of that movement, I will really feel it! We couldn't believe how something three inches big was so volitional and so intentional. He responded every time she moved the wand and bounced all around. Now... I keep saying he, but we only got one shot of his/her bottom and she was unable to tell for sure if we are having a boy or a girl. At her first glance and with her gut instinct, she thought boy but we will have to wait till another ultrasound to know for sure~ It doesn't matter to me~ We got to see this precious life, acting sooo ALIVE, and to experience something so special and new. What an awesome God~

Stomach Bug

So... after 5 days in a row of night sickness, the stomach bug hit. Thankfully we were not sick during the concert, but as soon as we made it to the parking garage, the vomiting began! The next day at work, I had a complete emotional breakdown, crying in the bathroom, and could keep nothing down. My co-workers insisted I go home which I did around 11:00. By the afternoon, Mom had brought me a snack and a drink which soon came back up and by the time Dustin came home from work, diarrhea and a low-grade fever had set in. We made it through the night and by Friday morning I was feeling much better. I took the day off from work as I was sooo tired and weak from the day before... and of course... the ultrasound was scheduled for that afternoon!

Andrea Bocelli Concert

Wednesday night Dustin and I (and Nugget) went to the Andrea Bocelli concert at Toyota Center. While some might not think this is a big deal, I was sooooo excited I could hardly stand it. Andrea Bocelli was on my bucket list and something that I had always hoped to one day see! Two days before we found out we were pregnant, I saw the ad for the tickets. I waited in the driveway for Dustin to get home so that we could get tickets. To say the least they were VERY expensive, but we agreed and bought the tickets. Thank goodness that was before we knew Nugget was coming because knowing me, I know I would not have spoiled myself with buying these tickets once I knew we had a baby on the way.

So.... the night of the concert..... it was AMAZING. We had tickets on the 9th row in the lower club section. Former President Bush (41) and First Lady Barbara were there. They received a standing ovation from the entire crowd when they were seated! Wow! Of course I cried! I cried multiple times throughout the evening and Dustin kept reminding me to calm down.... Dustin leaned over during a song as said this was Nugget's first concert.

I am so excited to experience of his/her little firsts in life. First cry, first diaper, first feeding, first crawl, first steps, first... first... first... first day of college. Thank you Lord that you have entrusted us with this life. Wow!

Monday, December 6, 2010

First Trimester is Finished!!!!

YEA!!!!!! This post marks the end of our first trimester! It has been a roller coaster of emotional, hormonal, sleep filled and toliet filling days.... but will all that said, we are getting so excited to see our little Nugget. At 12 weeks, Nugget is the size of a lime!
Dustin's new hospital opened last Wednesday. On Friday I went to the hospital after work to visit and meet his staff and co-workers. It was so nice to put names to faces of all the sweet people he talks about. Everyone was so encouraging and expressed how amazing Dustin is to work with and what a great job he has done! It made me very proud. While we were there, we met the L&D director, Elise, who offered to give us an ultrasound this week. I started crying when she said we might be able to see the sex of the baby! What an early Christmas present! Today I got an email from Stephanie at the hospital, confirming our appointment for Friday at 4:00! We are soooo excited. Even if we don't find out if Nugget is a boy or a girl (it is still really early) it will be so neat to see how much he/she has changed since our last ultrasound 7 weeks ago~

Nugget now...
  • has fingerprints
  • is developing vocal cords
  • is the size of a peach (Wow!)
  • is almost three inches long
  • weighs almost an ounce
  • is looking more and more human everyday~
Blessing beyond measure! We have been entrusted with a precious life which we are already so grateful for~

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Today was a great day filled with turkey (which of course we did not eat), ham (which we tried to eat a few bites) , chicken and dumplings, cranberry, corn casserole, brussel sprouts (which I tried to make fir Dustin and he didn't like them), glazed carrots, gravy, dressing, pumpkin roll...... and the list goes on! Nugget got morning sickness finished by about 4:30 this morning and we went back to bed unitl 7ish. So.... we were well rested and feeling good to enjoy Thanksgiving. This year we each shared what we were thankful for. It was emotional as each person shared something thoughtful and Aunt Linda said she was thankful for everyone in the room and thankful for the baby that will be here soon~!
David and Kristi sent us home with so many goodies- a bumbo and rattles, Leap and Lilly, and infant toys out the wazzooo! I am so thankful for.....
-our little lime that is growing so fast!
-great family to share in this journey with us
-my sweet husband who is working so hard right now
-blessings beyond measure~

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Baby's First Music Video

So Monday we got to hear Nugget's heartbeat. We couldn't stop smiling. Now I think I want to record each ultrasound and heartbeat to capture these moments! I think I was a little bossy getting Dustin to record this, but he was a trooper! Thanks Dad! Dr. Hughes answered so many of my questions and my weight was down again! Yea! I guess now that the night sickness has subsided, maybe I will start gaining a little. Nugget- we are getting so excited to meet you!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Grape to Kumquat

We're growing!
So... in one weeks time see how much Nugget has grown. It really is just a miracle. This week marks so much emotional and physical progress. No throwing up all week! Yea!!!!! Also, the reality of being pregnant is getting easier to swallow and is starting to set in~ It happens in little moments of the day- when I am going to turn up the thermostat in the morning, I notice that that is the walk to Nugget's room. I smile thinking that will be the most exciting walk each morning to get Nugget out of bed. Then in the shower when I am washing my stomach, I smile and think "wow there really is a baby in there!" It may seem silly, but until I am big and huge and there is NO denying that there is a baby in my stomach, it is still a little weird to digest and wrap my head around. We are still sleeping A LOT!!! Some nights I make it till 7:30, others until 8:30 and if it is a real wild night we stay up until 9:00. This week marks 1/4 of the journey is already complete!~ Only 30 weeks until we hold sweet Nugget in our arms. WOW!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Stomach bug!

So the fall stomach bug has hit!
Today I am sitting at home, trying to stay hydrated and keep food down. Yuk!
In this time off, I can celebrate some things from the last week!

-Dad has named Nugget "Eli"!
He sings a song:
Eli Bean
Eli Bean
The meanest little kid you've ever seen.....

(I wished he'd pick something besides 'mean' but that's ok)

It is so precious to see him tell Eli to behave and to not make mom sick.

-Nugget has reached pinto bean size! Wow! How God makes this little miracle grow just amazes me....

-I am still struggling with the fact that I am actually pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful and excited, but I just can't wrap my head around it. I look at the ultrasound picture which reminds me that this isn't a joke (of course morning sickness reminds me too!), but it is still soooo surreal.

-Dustin and I went to Baby's First Furniture to look around. We wanted to get an idea of what our furniture options are and what things cost. There are so many beautiful sets to pick from and the prices were reasonable. We will finalize our decision once we know if Nugget is a 'boy' or a 'girl'

-Thinking about renting a fetal doppler to listen to nugget's heartbeat. Check out the options at . I don't know..... still thinking about it.....

-Benefits are changing once again this year. I went to the open enrollment meeting yesterday. So..... after it's all said and done... the most out of pocket expenses we will have for 2011 is $4500. That feels like ALOT of money, but I guess insurance just isn't what it used to be! Dr. Hughes' office already notified us that we will start making payments to the doctor in the next month or two.... Oh well!

-So to end, what a blessing the last two months have been. I am starting to feel better (outside of this stomach bug) which is fantastic!~ Can't believe that in only 8 more months, Nugget will be here to hold and to Love~

Monday, October 25, 2010

Love at First Sight!

After a scare last night with some spotting, Dr. Hughes saw us first thing this morning for an ultrasound. Last night was so scary and I was just a mess in anticipation for the appointment. Her first words to us were, "Well there is the baby and there is the heartbeat." Right then I covered my eyes, cried a little, and breathed a huge sign of relief.
Nugget's heartbeat was 158 bpm and it measured at 7 weeks, 1 day. So... since we are 7 weeks, 2 days- we are just shy of perfect! As I laid on the exam table, Dustin squeezed my shoulder and smiled at me! Everything is just fine and WOW there is a human with a beating heart growing inside of me.
Nothing short of a miracle and a blessing beyond words! Thank you Lord for this little life you have in-trusted us with! WoW!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Feeling good.....

So today has been awesome! We have felt so great today- about 80% better than we have all week! Thanks God! Therapy was so much better today since we didn't feeel so queasy! YEA!!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Touch the Cricket

Since Dustin "knows" the baby is going to be a boy, he frequently reminds me that I need to think "boy thoughts." Sometimes he will joke that I should eat rocks or something to make his boy STRONG! Today, he brought in a cricket from outside and insisted that I touch it so that his son won't be afraid and will be tough~
Ok, cute laugh, but I really didn't enjoy touching that cricket~

Friday, October 15, 2010


We'll no more puking, but we are soooo exhausted! Nothing seems to be more important right now than sleep! They say this will get better after the first trimester, but for now we catch some zzzzzs as often as possible!

Doctor's appointment has been rescheduled for the 25th! One more week till our first ultrasound~

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

12:34 AM

So here we are- just went to bed two hours ago and we are up puking! It came on fast, but we were able to make it to the kitchen in time! I feel so much better almost immediately! Did I eat something that didn't agree with me or was that the first bought of morning sickness (in the middle of the night)?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Doctor's appointment and Blood work 2...

Dustin and I went to the doctor on Tuesday. Dr. Hughes congratulated us, but cautioned us that we are very early in the pregnancy... she answered a mile long list of questions and scheduled me for more blood work to

So the results of the second blood work were great. That means everything looks good! Next doctor's appointment is on Monday Oct 18th. Yea!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Blood test

So.. this morning we had blood work to check my hCG level! Woohooo! Doctor's appointment tomorrow at 3:45 to get the results and first prenatal appointment! Dad is going too! I think everything will feel much more real once the doctor confirms it all. I just need to be validated that this is all REAL and that everything is OK and on track!

.... Dinner at mom's

I called mom during the day to tell her I missed Bob and wanted to come over for their Thursday night dinner date. She called Bob and he agreed- we could all get together for a family dinner. I told mom that we never see Bob and that we would enjoy just "stopping by." When we got to mom's, Dustin walked in and told mom he was "looking for a spot." She was confused and asked him what "spot" he was looking for. He then found a "spot" and took a picture frame that says "I love Nana" out from his back pocket and put it on the bar. She looked so puzzled and once reading the frame, put her hands around her mouth and hooted like an owl. She quickly hugged us both and said she was so excited!

.... off to Sammie and Dwayne's

Dustin was getting more nervous driving to his parents. Along we way, we plotted how to tell them and how to disguise pulling up in the driveway unannounced. Dustin parked the truck in front of his Dad's shop building and we quietly walked to the front door. When Dwayne opened the door we both whispered "shhhh" and then he told us that Sammie and Casey were in Conroe with grandma. We told Dwayne that he was going to be a grandpa and then decided to wait. I fell asleep on the couch and an hour later they came home. When Sammie came in the door, she asked us why we were there? We told her our power was out and that is was really hot in the house. I told her I liked her new haircut and Dustin told her it looked like a "grandma haircut." As she was showing him her hair and that is was not "grandma" he pulled out an outfit that said "I love my grandma" with baseball items on it. She turned to me and asked me if I was pregnant and then jumped up and down.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

.... baseball game with Pa and Memee

Friday night we already had a date to go to dinner and the Astro's game with Dad and Dena. When we got there I hugged Dad and put his bib that said, "I'm off to Pa and Memee's! Let's Go!" around his neck. When he sat down we told them that there grandbaby will be coming in June! They were both very excited. Dena wore the bib for a friend we saw at the game who also congratulated us. It was so fun, but by the fireworks at 10:30, I was soooo tired. I guess Nuggett is already telling me that we need more rest than normal!

September 30th....

Well....We are PREGNANT!
I just can hardley believe it! God has been so faithful and now I just can't even wrap my head around all of this.
I woke up feeling like I was starting to get a stomach bug so I decided to test a day early. When I saw the pink line starting to darken, the tears started flowing! I ran to wake up Dustin. He quickly came to the bathroom to check the stick. Wiping the sleep out of his eyes, he too confirmed what I saw-- TWO PINK LINES..... Oh my goodness....
We held eachother, I cried (ok- we'll weaped!) , we took a deep breath, and then continued to look at the stick every 10 minutes until it was time to go to work!

At lunch, Dustin said he wanted me to get a digital test that would actually say the WORD- after work, I headed to the store and hurried home to take the test. There they were...clear....P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T! I was sleepy after such an emotional day that I decided to take a nap and leave the test on the counter for Dustin. When he came home, I was suprised with flowers! After looking at both tests, it became more real.... we are having a baby~

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fear Not

So just as Beth Moore said it would happen, I am being attacked. First let me say that if I am going to do this blog, regardless of who reads it, I have to be able to be vulnerable, right? If not, then what's the point. Did you know that the number one most occurring command in the Bible is "Do not be afraid." Sure enough I have been attacked with fears. To the point that last night I said to Dustin that if we don't get pregnant this month, then maybe we should just wait another year.
I don't want to give weight to my flooded fears, but just to mention a few: finances, maternity leave, family, provisions, the list went on and on! What! To sell us short from God's destiny due to fear! Then I was flooded with Scripture and peace. GOD's timing! God's Will! God's direction! Hopeful! Trusting! Waiting~ Fearlessly~ Fear will hold no threat over robbing us of basking in God's blessings.....

"Our distrust of God tattles on us, telling our enemy exactly how to get to us."--Beth Moore

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Round 2

So as I promised, I am celebrating. Even though we did not get pregnant the first month, there are sooooo many things to be thankful for!
1) I I ovulated on time
2) I had a normal cycle the first month
Thank you Lord for putting me at ease and for helping my body work 'correctly' the first month. Here we go with round two and I am so excited! Let's see what happens....

Friday, June 4, 2010

So.. practice is underway!
Just keep swimming....
Just keep swimming....

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Your First Gift

Aunt Erin came for a visit! It was so nice to see her! We ate sushi, swam, and visit with Nana. She brought a book for Nugget! So sweet! While you are just a figment, you are loved!

P. S. Aunt Flow is gone! Woo hoo! Day #5 today!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mark the calendar

So.. Wed- Day #1 of tracking begins!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

No more patch

So today is the day we are contraceptive free! I thought this would feel more monumental than it really does. Now it's time to let nature takes it course. Woooo hoooo!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


So... here is where we will celebrate each step of this new journey. This blog will serve as a place to keep each memory of this exciting season alive and to one day share with our little nugget.

Momma is starting to write to you while you are just a figment of our imagination, something that we cannot even imagine, and something we cannot wait to experience. Each step of thinking about you, practicing to have you, getting genetic screening for you, and taking vitamins every day for you is something to celebrate.

This season is a gift and we will celebrate each step!