Sunday, May 30, 2010

Your First Gift

Aunt Erin came for a visit! It was so nice to see her! We ate sushi, swam, and visit with Nana. She brought a book for Nugget! So sweet! While you are just a figment, you are loved!

P. S. Aunt Flow is gone! Woo hoo! Day #5 today!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mark the calendar

So.. Wed- Day #1 of tracking begins!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

No more patch

So today is the day we are contraceptive free! I thought this would feel more monumental than it really does. Now it's time to let nature takes it course. Woooo hoooo!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


So... here is where we will celebrate each step of this new journey. This blog will serve as a place to keep each memory of this exciting season alive and to one day share with our little nugget.

Momma is starting to write to you while you are just a figment of our imagination, something that we cannot even imagine, and something we cannot wait to experience. Each step of thinking about you, practicing to have you, getting genetic screening for you, and taking vitamins every day for you is something to celebrate.

This season is a gift and we will celebrate each step!