Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fear Not

So just as Beth Moore said it would happen, I am being attacked. First let me say that if I am going to do this blog, regardless of who reads it, I have to be able to be vulnerable, right? If not, then what's the point. Did you know that the number one most occurring command in the Bible is "Do not be afraid." Sure enough I have been attacked with fears. To the point that last night I said to Dustin that if we don't get pregnant this month, then maybe we should just wait another year.
I don't want to give weight to my flooded fears, but just to mention a few: finances, maternity leave, family, provisions, the list went on and on! What! To sell us short from God's destiny due to fear! Then I was flooded with Scripture and peace. GOD's timing! God's Will! God's direction! Hopeful! Trusting! Waiting~ Fearlessly~ Fear will hold no threat over robbing us of basking in God's blessings.....

"Our distrust of God tattles on us, telling our enemy exactly how to get to us."--Beth Moore