Sunday, April 24, 2011

33 weeks!

The 33 week notes of the week....
-major heartburn
-breakfast routine of staying away from sugar is working much better! I have been nausea free for over a week!
-super tired! I know that I am anemic and of course, not always the most discipline with the iron supplements. Well, feeling fatigue from my earlobes to toenails is some motivation to do better. I am back on track with taking my pills daily and I am starting to feel better.
-Dad was in Vegas for business from Monday thru Thursday. Not fun for Lauryn and I! We don't like it when Dad is gone. Annie and Rosie really missed him to! We all four rode together to pick up Dad from the airport and I am not sure who was the most excited- I think Rosie~! She attacked him when he got in the car!
-I am starting to get tired of McDonald's pancakes. I guess too much of a good thing turns bad.... let's see what craving comes next....

32 weeks!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

31 weeks

Another week to celebrate with new challenges and blessings! Went to the doctor on Monday and Lauryn's heartbeat was great, my weight gain was good, and we are measuring right on track. I have been having more cramping and some pressure so Dr. Hughes checked my cervix just to make sure everything was ok... and it was! She said it was "high tight and firm." I guess that's good news! Even though we are getting so excited we can't stand it, Lauryn has more 'cooking' to do!
Work is starting to get harder! I am getting more and more tired earlier in the day and having to do a better job "listening" to my body. Some days we come straight home and take a nap, others we are able to make it 7 or 7:30 and then on a super evening maybe till 9:30. Those late nights never happen two nights in a row though.... and I pay for it the next day!!
I have been feeling less nauseous in the mornings. Jenn helped me figure out that I was feeling sick in the mornings when I would eat sugar. When I cut out the sugar and ate an egg, cheese stick, and milk for breakfast instead of cereal or toast, I wouldn't get sick! Yea!!! Took some trial and error to get it figured out, but thankfully we seemed to have found a solution to the morning dry heaves! Woohoo!

30 weeks