Monday, July 18, 2011

Time to Catch Up!

So overdue for an update....
Lauryn will be 6 weeks old tomorrow and today is the first time I have felt like getting blogging back under way. Of course as I type, Lauryn is starting to wrestle in her crib... so I assume this post will be short. I have so much to catch up on since my last post (May 21st)! Wow! How our lives have forever been blessed and changed!
I am absolutely in love with this precious little girl. Precious moments fill my heart and flood it with joy...
When your eyelashes touch my face.
When all of your fingers wrap around mine.
When you smile.
When your Daddy holds you and you take a deep relaxing breath.
When you coo.
When you rest in my arms.
I am forever reminded of the amazing miracle you are!
I love you!~

These are the precious little moments I never want to forget. Thank you Lord for entrusting us with Lauryn. She is the light of our lives!
More updates to come!!!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Worst Things to say to a Pregnant Woman

and yes.... they have all been said to me.... :0)
Since some of the 'prego' comments are so "OUT there," I thought I'd make a list of the ones that stick out the most in my mind over the last 9 months....
“I knew a girl who worked everyday until she delivered- and she was pregnant with triplets!”
“You know I love you, but you are a wimp!”
“You ass is getting wider.”
“You walk like a penguin”
“Well I knew this girl who..... (well good for you...... I am not her. I am not carrying her baby. Congratulations for her!)
“Don’t carry that!” (5 pound binder, chair, pack of water, a kido, etc. Well, maybe before I’m due I won’t be able to carry a feather!)
"Don't move that chair, you could tear your placenta"
The best one... “Don’t stand on that chair! Don’t put your hands over your head. It’s blackstish! Don’t you know your gunna wrap that cord around her neck! Get down! It’s blackstish!”
Everyday I get this one from Becky (my diag) “You’re HUGE! I just never expected you to be so HUGE! I just know you aren’t going to make it till June 11th).

Luau Baby Shower

Saturday was a great shower at Grandma Sammie's house! All of the details were just perfect-- from the Hawaiian themed decorations, cute lights, teeke torches, and Aloha Baby Lauryn cake. The food was delicious and it was a very nice time to celebrate with some extended family members- and some that I had never met before! Lauryn got precious gifts- from clothes, to diapers, wipes, gift cards for mom and dad to go to dinner, hair bows, swimsuit, baby bouncer and so much more! Lauryn is already so loved. As part of the entertainment, Dustin and I 'hulla' danced while people watched my belly to try and guess how big around it was. I was very courious to see what I would measure.... a whopping 42 1/2 inches! Ms. Doris won that game! Thanks Grandma Sammie and Aunt Casey for such a special shower!

36 weeks and Dr. Appointment

Dr Hughes' saw us for a doctor's appointment on Monday and I am 50% effaced. not really sure what that means, but it sounds good to me! She says my cervix is already softening and my body is starting to prepare for the big day. Lauryn's heart beat was strong, my blood pressure was normal, and everything looked good. She will see us again next Thursday (10 days from now) to see how much I have progressed and to check her fluid. She feels she will have a much better feel for how I am doing next week. Dr. Hughes then goes on vacation until June 5th.... so it will be time to lay up, relax, and not go into labor!

Potter Hollow Baby Shower

The Potter Hollow ladies hosted a precious shower for us at Maggie's house on Mother's Day. Some of our square dance friends were able to attend which was an extra special treat. Great Aunt Bonnie drove in from Hondo and gave Lauryn a beautiful home made quilt! My tummy was still upset from the night before, so I was disapointed when I was not able to 'chow down' on all of the awesome food. From orange fluff (which I love) to chicken salad and queso and guacamole... the food was soooo good. (Can't you tell I am REALLY into food!) Ms. Sarah is so talented at coming up with great shower games. Each person sewed a 'yo-yo' which will be put on onsies and bibs for Lauryn! What a fun keepsake! We also played a game in which I read a poem and an empty bag was passed around the room as each line of the poem was read (the lady with the pinkest nails, the lady with the longest hair, etc.) and then it stopped on the last person who got a homemade flower broach made by Sarah. We also played the 'don't say the word BABY' game and MeMee won by a long shot! Her ears were super sharp and was taking necklaces from everyone as soon as they slipped up and said 'BABY!' Thank you sweet ladies (Kathy, Cathry, Denise, Michelle, Sarah, Heather, and Maggie) for making my first Mother's Day to Be so special! I can't wait for Lauryn to meet all of the "Potter Hollow" family.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Storybook Parade

Featuring Humpty Dumpty and the Wall! Each year at de Santiago students and staff dress-up as characters from books and participate in a school wide parade.
Jennifer had the great idea for our costumes this year! It was a hit and so much fun!
Lauryn- you are already getting dressed up in a costume! I can't wait for your first Halloween, of course I already have your costume picked out. I'll wait till you get here to order it, but I think you'll be saying, "baaaaa."

Sunday, April 24, 2011

33 weeks!

The 33 week notes of the week....
-major heartburn
-breakfast routine of staying away from sugar is working much better! I have been nausea free for over a week!
-super tired! I know that I am anemic and of course, not always the most discipline with the iron supplements. Well, feeling fatigue from my earlobes to toenails is some motivation to do better. I am back on track with taking my pills daily and I am starting to feel better.
-Dad was in Vegas for business from Monday thru Thursday. Not fun for Lauryn and I! We don't like it when Dad is gone. Annie and Rosie really missed him to! We all four rode together to pick up Dad from the airport and I am not sure who was the most excited- I think Rosie~! She attacked him when he got in the car!
-I am starting to get tired of McDonald's pancakes. I guess too much of a good thing turns bad.... let's see what craving comes next....

32 weeks!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

31 weeks

Another week to celebrate with new challenges and blessings! Went to the doctor on Monday and Lauryn's heartbeat was great, my weight gain was good, and we are measuring right on track. I have been having more cramping and some pressure so Dr. Hughes checked my cervix just to make sure everything was ok... and it was! She said it was "high tight and firm." I guess that's good news! Even though we are getting so excited we can't stand it, Lauryn has more 'cooking' to do!
Work is starting to get harder! I am getting more and more tired earlier in the day and having to do a better job "listening" to my body. Some days we come straight home and take a nap, others we are able to make it 7 or 7:30 and then on a super evening maybe till 9:30. Those late nights never happen two nights in a row though.... and I pay for it the next day!!
I have been feeling less nauseous in the mornings. Jenn helped me figure out that I was feeling sick in the mornings when I would eat sugar. When I cut out the sugar and ate an egg, cheese stick, and milk for breakfast instead of cereal or toast, I wouldn't get sick! Yea!!! Took some trial and error to get it figured out, but thankfully we seemed to have found a solution to the morning dry heaves! Woohoo!

30 weeks

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

And look what came in today!

What a fun afternoon- diaper bag, flower clips, headbands, and leg warmers!

Favorites... and Not so Favorites

So today someone asked me what foods have been my favorite during this pregnancy... Made me start thinking about all of the 'odd' things that have been favorites and 'yuk' the past 7 1/2 months... let's see
-Cherrios with banana
-cucumber (Aunt Bonnie had it for Thanksgiving and I think I ate it all, since then I can't get enough of it)
- Coke Icees (my new Friday treat)
-pimento cheese (has to be Price's brand!)
-hummus! (homemade by Nana with candied jalepenos)
-hot dogs
-Whopper Jr. (with cheese)

Major Yuk
- too much meat (a few bites are ok, but then it makes me want to gag)
-anything really acidic
-so... I guess that I haven't been too picky!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

29 weeks

Lauryn, Wow! You are growing! You are moving around more and more in my tummy. When I takes a bath, the water ripples when you move. It is crazy. My belly button is almost completely flat (not to mention kinda hairy!) so you are really growing fast now. You really like the music at church- you dance all around when the choir starts singing. I went to a craft show this weekend and bought you new bows. I met a woman who told me about leg warmers and a website where I could buy them. Of course, I came home and ordered you 10 pairs of leg warmers, 17 headbands, and 12 flowers. I still wonder if you will have hair??? Your room is almost complete. I love sitting on your rocking chair and reading you a book. Dad talks to you everynight and you jump all around. On a funny note.... one of my students asked me, "How did that baby get in there? (and pointed to my stomach) then he said "did you eat it?" I couldn't help but laught... kids say the darndest things. I am so proud of you my little miracle! Dad and I cannot wait to meet you!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Meet Little Lauryn

Laurny's family photo

Touching my face!

Playing with my hands!

Look at my smile!

Maybe I will have more hair than my Mommy thought????

Today was so special. All of the grandparents joined us for Lauryn's 4D ultrasound. More than anything it was so special for Dustin and I to share this experience with our family! Of course as soon as the technician showed us her face, I started crying. But, without a doubt, I had difficulty stopping crying. This has been happening a lot lately! Must be those prego hormones making me cry even more than normal!!! Dustin talked to Lauryn and she moved a lot in response to his voice. What a moment! Grandma Sammie bought a bunny for Lauryn's room that plays her heartbeat and yes, that made me cry too! Such a special and fun time to see our little girl! Dad had them confirm that she is indeed FEMALE. And, YES without a doubt she is!!!!! Looks like more fun shopping lies ahead.....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

27 weeks!

So... it's been a great week!

-Rocking chair for Lauryn's room has been recovered and looks great

-not so fun... first prego charley horses- yuk! Luckly they only lasted two nights and now I have been symptom free. Hopefully, they won't return!

-doctor's appointment- I love hearing Lauryn's heartbeat each time we go to see Dr. Hughes. I am borderline anemic so she gave me some supplemental iron pills to take. We have officially gained 13 pounds at this point. Dr. Hughes informed me that she will be out of town for a week (of course it happens to be my 39th week). She says she will monitor my progress closely and hopefully I won't deliver until she gets back on June 5th. Most first time babies come late, so hopefully Lauyrn won't suprise us with an early arrival or another doctor may have to deliver us. Praying this works out and Dr. Hughes can deliver us!